

At Manovaidya we focus to create an awareness about anxiety we understand that It is known to be a common trouble that affects many individuals throughout the globe. We all experience brief periods of anxiety, but it differs from long-term anxiety and the latter is what affects most of us. It may be feelings of constant worry or fear, they feel scared and anxious. More often than not it is associated with an ominous sense of fear or an aversion for the unknown. The fact is, a little anxiety is a good thing — it can alert you to danger or, in last-minute studies, motivate you to cram for a test. But, people with anxiety have it so often and to such a degree they dread what the day will bring, or they suddenly have a panic attack, a feeling of extreme fear when there is no apparent reason. This kind of continual anxiety can interfere with your daily life, your ability to concentrate, fall asleep, or be around other people.

Anxiety symptoms can vary widely from person to person, but some general features are restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, and sleep disturbances. With that can often come physical symptoms like a pounding heart, nausea, shaking, and tummy cramps. These symptoms can be highly distressing and can lead to the creation of avoidance behaviours (where people avoid situations they think will increase their anxiety). The things anxious about are quite many but the whole concept behind it is another topic. Anxiety disorders are highly heritable complex trait and show familial aggregation, with a com- ponent of the heritability being due to the action of common genetic variation. Environmental stressors (e.g., stressful life events or trauma) can trigger or exacerbate upon the traits of anxious.

The problem with that anxiety could literally be in the mind: psychological issues like personality traits and pressure coping are associated. Medical conditions and substance abuse are a cause or trigger of anxiety symptoms. Anxiety management is an integrative approach. If you are that serious with mental health conditions, you have professionals practising in mental health, and if you talk to them to take care of your needs and actually seek the treatment, they will. lua. Anxiety treatment: Often underemphasized, but anxiety therapy is very beneficial for treating anxiety, especially cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This can be seen in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), a popular therapy specifically designed to help individuals unlearn negative patterns of thought and behaviour and replace them with more positive responses to life.

Other medications are sometimes used to help control symptoms and improve function Our lifestyle is generally a huge factor in aiding or contributing to anxiety regulation. Physical activity and regular exercise can help reduce stress and give you a good mood. You need to have nutrient food for your health and good sleep. Mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing, etc. are some of the activities that might calm down your brain and reduce the anxiety level. Caffeine and alcohol are also best avoided. They may even trigger them, and, conversely, they can also exacerbate the symptoms.

Therefore we at Manovaidya motivate the person to recognise this and seek ways that would suite them best. Anxiety is something you will have to fight and work hard for to maintain so understanding, empathy, and patience is required with it. Manovaidya Is At Your Service Get the help you need to manage the anxiety that is blocking you from the abundant life you deserve. Because someone knows what you are going through and it will get better — today is a new day and maybe something will change and your anxiety will be gone forever.