

Depression, as we at Manovaidya understand, is a roller coaster hilly land with stronger steep areas. Depression isn't just feeling a bit down or having a bad week (we all have those!) Depression is a serious mental health condition that requires understanding, awareness and the right support. The following can help demystify depression and its signs — in addition to strategies for getting help and support.

Depression is a common and serious medical condition that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. It is marked by prolonged feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a dim view of life; and the absence of interest and joy in things that were once pleasurable. Depression breaks through age, gender or background, and it definitely leaves its mark for a lifetime.

Symptoms of depression are different for everyone, but may include: a sad, anxious, or "empty" mood that will not go away or may even get worse, loss of interest or pleasure in things you care about or enjoy, including sex, feeling. The symptoms can cause significant problems in the areas of work ability or school performance, or social behaviors and relationships. When someone is having these symptoms or if you know someone showing these symptoms we should help them immediate.

A variety of biological, psychological, and environmental factors are involved, and stress is a big one. Biological factors include alterations in brain chemistry and function, hormonal imbalances, and a genetic predisposition. This category encompasses different psychological elements including type of personality (the higher the risk of depression is associated with low self-esteem and chronic stress in case of the type C personality), etc. Depression can also be triggered by environmental factors, such as disturbing or stressful events, like losing a loved one, experiencing financial problems, or going through big life changes.

At Manovaidya, we look at treating depression as a wholistic treatment. The most helpful thing you can do is get professional help. A psychologist, psychiatrist or therapist will be able to diagnose the condition and suggest a treatment plan, through therapy and medication. Some common treatments—like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy (IPT), and psychodynamic therapy—can enable people to understand and handle their depression. Antidepressants can be used in some cases to help signal brain chemicals. People should adhere to their treatment plan and speak with a healthcare provider if they experience any side effects or have any concerns.

Lifestyle changes, other than seeking professional help, help a lot in coping with depression. Regular exercise, healthy eating, regular sleep and stress management can work to increase well-being and relieve some of the symptoms of depression. Spend quality time with friends, family or join a support group which will give you emotional support and get rid of feeling isolated. Practicing relaxation techniques or activities like mindfulness, meditation or hobbies can also be helpful in symptom management and mood improvement.

Depression is not a matter that can be attended to lightly. At Manovaidya we are here to support and provide you with the resources that will help you ease this process of recovery. Knowing that depression is not a definitive diagnosis and that is treatable can help someone with depression begin the path to finding the help they need in order to get better. You are not alone, and there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, so hang in there.